In the last episode, we briefly sorted out the common lighting fixtures used for film and television lighting and the advantages and disadvantages of LED lights. In today’s issue In the program, we will combine the shape and actual lighting effects of LED lights to demonstrate the applicable scenarios of different types of LED lights and the use of light control accessories.


 Point Light Features and Benefits

- Line Light Features and Benefits

- Surface Light Features and Benefits

- Standard cover, softbox, Fresnel lens, imaging lens and other light control accessories

LED light form

As we mentioned in the last issue, LED lamps have undergone multiple process development of in-line, SMD and COB integration. According to market demand, the lighting shape is derived There are rod lights, flat lights, spotlights, etc. that we now call, with different shapes, but to sum up, according to the light source area, they can be divided into point light sources, line light sources and surface light sources. For different applicable scenarios, users They often choose LED lights with different light source areas to achieve the best shooting effect.

The development process of packaging technology from left to right is in-line, SMD, COB integrated


001 point light source

the more common LED point light source today It is a variety of COB LED spotlights. Through the chip-on-board packaging process, the brightness can meet the needs of film and television lighting fixtures. At present, the brightest LED point light source is the Evoke-1200 launched by Nanguang not long ago.


The illuminance is equivalent to 12K tungsten filament lamp or 1.8K dysprosium lamp. , In addition to brightness, LED point light sources also provide users with more choices and convenience in terms of variable color temperature and lighting effects.

70% of lighting is control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting science topic (2)


Compared with line light source and surface light source LED, point light source can produce harder light, and there are more choices in the blessing of lighting accessories to meet the stricter light control requirements during shooting. An indispensable LED light source in the creative process.


002 Line Light

Linear light source is also what we often call rod lights. At present, the market is roughly divided into two types: long rod lights and short rod lights. Short rod lights Lightweight, compact and easy to hide.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

The long stick light mainly focuses on high brightness and large-area RGB color change, and is mostly used in the construction of ambient light sources.

70% of lighting is control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting science topic (2)

In addition, compared with the starting point light source, the linear light source is easier to conceal, and it can also appear in the picture reasonably as a logical light source, which will not make the audience feel worn out, and can see many movie scenes with a sense of technology. The stick lights are used directly as part of the set.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

003 Area Light

Flat LED lamps are the first type of LED lamps to be developed and used in the field of film and television. The quality of flat panel lamps is relatively soft, which is between Dysprosium lamps and KINO lamps. Thanks to the advantages of low heat generation of LED lamps, many flat panel LED lamps can be directly used in Install a diffuser in front of the lamp body.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

To make the light more uniform and soft without increasing the volume, in some studios, the lighting engineer will use flat lights with dysprosium lights to create light effects.

LED with Dysprosium Lights

Another major advantage of flat panel LED lights is the large-scale grouping control. At present, the mainstream flat panel LED lights will have a DMX interface, and the light transformation in the scene can be operated through the DMX controller. It also makes flat LED lights widely used in studios, interviews, stage light sources and other scenes.

Behind the scenes of the movie "Chinese Doctor"

In recent years, many small panel LED lights have emerged on the market. Like the fill light rod light introduced above, the more mainstream LED panel lights will also have RBG full-color function, which is used as fill light and ambient light. Existing in this form can make them better set up on the machine. , as fill light and eye light for the character's face.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

Light Control Accessories for LED Lights

There are various types of LED lights. Combined with their own characteristics, different light control accessories are also derived. These four types of control lights are introduced below. Light accessories are the most common accessories in LED point light sources, which can basically meet our practical needs for creating light effects in most scenes.

001 Standard Cover

Standard cover is the most common type of light control accessories. It can narrow the angle of naked light and control the angle of scattered light to 55° left and right, and enhance the illuminance through the reflection of the inner wall of the lampshade. Now many lamp factories will attach this kind of standard cover with a silver reflective layer and a scale pattern to the lamp, which can further enhance the brightness. Therefore, when many manufacturers mark the lamp illuminance, A superscripted masked illuminance value is also given.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

002 Softbox

Softboxes are an important way for us to change the quality of light. Before understanding softboxes, we need to know a basic theorem, that is, the larger the light source area, the softer the light; the smaller the light source area, the harder the light.

It is more intuitive to use sunlight as an example. On sunny days, direct sunlight will cause obvious shadows on the face; on cloudy days, the sunlight will be blocked by clouds , at this time, the cloud layer is equivalent to a large soft box. Through the diffuse reflection between the clouds, the luminous area becomes larger, and the shadow on the face will be much softer. The purpose of using a softbox is to enlarge the area of ​​the light source. The softbox is generally distinguished by its diameter. The larger the softbox, the better the soft light effect.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

On the basis of achieving the soft light effect, we can install a guide grid according to our needs, which is similar to the function of a honeycomb. Such a grid can control the light irradiation. direction, so that the light is concentrated on the illuminated object. In addition to this kind of "parabola" we often say, there is also a spherical softbox that can produce more diffuse soft light. Compared with the parabolic softbox, it is lighter and suitable for illuminating the overall environment, and it is also convenient for moving with the subject in sports scenes. .

003 Fresnel Lens

Philippine The Nell lens is a classic point light source light control accessory. It was first invented and used on tungsten filament lamps and dysprosium lamps. After improvement, we have the LED point light source Fresnel lens we see now. The front of the lens is a Convex of the circle rule.

Lighting is 70% of the control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting popular science topic (2)

The conical light emitted by the point light source will be converted into relatively parallel light when it passes through the Fresnel lens, which is often used by gaffers to simulate direct sunlight. Effect; By changing the front and rear positions of the Fresnel lens, the beam level can be controlled, so the Fresnel lens is also used as a contour light hook.


004 Imaging Lens

There are often such shots in movies. These silhouettes that create atmosphere are achieved through a special light-controlling accessory, the silhouette visor Yes, it is often placed in front of a dysprosium or tungsten lamp to block part of the light and achieve a projection effect.

Screenshot of the movie "The Thin Red Line"

Screenshot of the movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel"</span >

Behind the scenes of the movie The Grand Budapest Hotel

And on the current LED, using the imaging lens, you can achieve this effect, you can imagine the imaging lens as A lens specially designed for lighting. There are many non-curved lenses inside the imaging lens to control the angle of light.

70% of lighting is control? Talk about the light control accessories of LED lights, film and television lighting science topic (2)



Mount it in front of the light, and we get a hard light with very sharp edges, with a cut-out and slot on the imaging lens , we can manually get different projection patterns to change the background or create an atmosphere

Although there are many kinds of lighting accessories, you only need to know that we generally only use light control accessories. Two purposes, one is to change the direction of the light, and the other is to change the texture of the light, so as to achieve various effects such as beam light, soft light, and modeling.

In line with the principle of practicality first, many users will also use the flash accessories that were previously used in plane photography (the universal mount also provides conditions), try to use it in LED lights for video shooting, such as soft light umbrellas, snoots, radomes, etc. After understanding the principle of light, we can also DIY some light control accessories to achieve the effect we want. .


Well, today's introduction to LED types and light control accessories is here. On the whole, the integrated packaging technology of LED lamp beads allows LED lamps to be in different forms. It exists in various fields, and the low heat generation of LED lamp beads makes it possible to integrate light control accessories (for dysprosium lamps or tungsten lamps, the burning risk of light control accessories such as butterfly cloth and colored paper needs to be considered), the next chapter We will take you to analyze the influence of light position on the picture and the practical lighting position.